
The Shoe Spy was created because, although there are countless blogs on fashion and style, there were very few in Ireland dedicated to shoes. As a shoe addict, I felt this was a wrong that needed correcting!

Growing up I was a bit of a tomboy and so lived in my little canvas runners and the only time I wore "fancy" shoes was on special occasions and under duress from my mother! Then around 17 years of age I donned my first pair of high heels and that was it; my love affair with shoes began.

Walking past a shoe shop without entering is something I just cannot do. It's as if the shoes call my name and invite me inside; and of course, it would be rude not to accept! I can spend hours trawling through in internet just looking at shoes, keeping an eye on the latest trends, newest brands and must-have bargains. I own more shoes than I will ever be able to wear but I need them all ... just in case!

My aim as The Shoe Spy is to bring you the latest shoe trends, the most attention grabbing styles and the must-have shoes for the discerning shoe fashionista. I will trawl online, on the high street and independent shops gathering my information in true spy style so you don't have to.

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